
Turn Your City Into a Gym

January 27, 2014

Awhile back I read an article about Papa Joe Aviance, who lost 250 pounds on the “99-Cent Diet” by just eating foods bought at the 99 Cents Only Store. He said that he turned his city into a gym. He did push-ups on the sidewalk. Recent studies have shown that 10-minute increments of exercise can be just as beneficial if not more than more extended periods of exercise. So take a few breaks from sitting in front of the computer working on a project or sending emails to clients. Here are a few ideas on how to turn the city into your own personal gym:

Take Full Advantage of Stairs. Whether it’s the stairwell at your workplace or some stairs outside the coffee shop you frequent to write, you can get a pretty good workout running up and down them for 10 minutes straight.

Don’t Underestimate the Versatility of the Trash Can. The other day I was at a hiking trail and at the top was a landing with fellow hikers. A man was jumping on top of a trash can with both feet. A woman was using the bottom of a railing wedge her feet underneath so she wouldn’t slide while doing sit-ups. So look around and see how pre-existing objects can be used to get some exercise in. Do pushups using a park bench, get short of breath in a round of “squirrel chasing,” or push some rocks around. Don’t worry, no one’s watching, and if they are, maybe they’ll join in on the fun.

Use Jugs of Water as Weights. If you have a couple of one-gallon water bottles around, use those to do a few sets of light weights, the same as you would with a pair of dumbbells. And if you’re thirsty or need to lighten the load, drink up!

Park and Rec It. The entrance fee to year-round pools at the local park are generally pretty cheap, and some cities will give you a discount if you have a city library card. There may also be some outdoor exercise equipment that’s free to use.

Hike or Bike. If you’re making a quick stop to the market down the street, instead of driving in your car, walk or bike instead. It’ll save you some moola and help you get your daily exercise.



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