Advice | Challenge

How to Build a Creation Cave

March 4, 2015

For those who are participating in the 40 Days of Dating Your Passion Project, building a creation cave is essential to fostering creativity and doing your best work. Plus, it’s waaay better than a Man Cave.

 Here are some quick tips on building your very own creation cave:

Choose a space. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a space dedicated solely to working on your passion project, but I find it really helps to create a set up. It’s like setting up your bedroom in a way that’s conducive to sleep. By setting up your space that’s conducive to creativity, you’ll find it much easier to get into the flow.

Figure out what you need. Whether it’s your laptop, your favorite coffee mug, and a few inspiration quotes on the wall, or a large table to work
4052953450_847d771581on your Etsy crafts, figure out the best sort of setup that’s conducive to productivity. My main setup is a small coffee table. I sit on some cushions for extra comfort. If I find myself needing a change of scenery, I’ll head over to a local coffee shop to get my writing done.

Turn off distractions. Let your roomies or family members know that you’ll be working from such and such time, and close the door or use the passive “headphones method” (I have my headphones on, therefore I cannot hear you, so don’t talk to me) so that people know you’ll be unavailable during this time period. And beware of Internet distractions: you can use Internet blocking productivity software such SelfControl (free) or Freedom ($10). It’s very easy to get distracted when you’re working on something that requires a lot of mental energy, and using a productivity timer such as Focus Booster (free) or running Coffitivity (free) in the background.

Implement rituals. By ritual I don’t necessarily mean chanting or a set of gestures (although as a Zen Buddhist practitioner I do chant a creativity gatha and ring a bell), but something specific you do every time you go on a date, no matter how short. It can be as simple as with some music to get pumped up or wind down to, or maybe bookending your session with some journaling. The book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work indicates that there’s no one ideal routine, and everyone has a different style. These rituals will serve as triggers to help you get into your flow, and trust me it will get easier time.

Spend time with your project at the same time. I’ve been trying to write in the mornings from 5 am – 6 am for shorter sessions, and on Monday evening, Wednesday evening, and Saturday afternoon for the longer dates. Of course, there will be exceptions, but this really helps you develop the habit of working on your project.

Set up visual cues. Whether it’s placing your journal at your dining table, or a little note on a reminder If your creation cave is a place away from home, I recommend packing what you need to get your work done the night before and setting it by your door, similar to packing your gym bag. It’ll make it easier to get to your date place with minimal groveling and last-minute hassle.

Just a friendly reminder: The more you treat this as a legit date, where you have agreed to meet someone at a particular place and time, with a specific activity in mind, the easier it will be to stay accountable. You don’t want to flake out, right?

Hope these tips are helpful. Have fun!


Desk: Courtesy of pottery studio workspace via photopin (license)
Typewriter: Courtesy of photo credit: mugfaker via photopin cc

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  1. Awesome!!! Thanks for your ideas on journaling. I am gonna include in an upcoming post. I can’t believe there’s only 7 days left to go…

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